Rapid Access Counselling
For more information on Rapid Access Counselling clinics, call 306-682-4135. To schedule your own appointment, follow the link below.
PARTNERS Family Services is holding Rapid Access Counselling clinics in partnership with Saskatchewan Health Authority.
The clinics available:
Adult Rapid Access Counselling (RAC)
Providing free mental health services in Saskatchewan to ages 26+, assisting others to improve their emotional being, mental, spiritual and physical health.
Rapid Access Counselling for Children, Youth and their Caregivers (CYRAC) – ages 6-17
Support and guidance for children and youth, ages 6-17, as well as caregivers through counselling services tailored to their specific needs.
Rapid Access Counselling Support for loss of a loved one to suicide
Counselling designed to promote healing and mitigate adverse effects, offering vital support to individuals in the aftermath of a suicide.
Speak one-on-one with our friendly, qualified counsellors during one of our Counselling services. These sessions are a full counselling session, where you will have the opportunity to identify your primary concern, and what you hope to get out of the session. You will leave with something tangible to help you address your issues. In person, phone, or video sessions available. Confidential and at no cost.
Additionally, you may receive referrals to community or health if needed, or be referred to an ongoing counsellor within our agency.

Clinic Locations
- Wednesday’s starting at 9:00am and last appointment is at 3:00pm
- On-site or remote options available
- Tuesdays and Thursdays starting at 9:00am and last appointment is at 3:00pm.
- On-site clinic are currently not available at this time
- 306-682-4135
- Remote Counselling is available
- On-site clinic are currently not available at this time
- 306-682-4135
- Remote Counselling is available